
Sleep Essentials, Inc.

Latex is the Most Durable

I’ve told people for almost two decades that latex is the most durable cushioning material available known to mankind. I’ve even produced law labels off of mattresses and testimonials from people who’ve had latex for 30, 40, and sometimes 50 years and they still sleep as good as they did when they were new. Today, I got a new testimonial of a woman and her sister who’ve had their shredded latex pillow since the 1950s. So, suppose they bought these pillows as late as 1959, they would be 63 years old! Here is what she wrote us:

“I have had these 2 pillows since I was a little girl, I’m 74, and my sister is 78, and she remembers them from the 1950’s.   Just thought you might like to see the label on them.”
Linda Neri