
Sleep Essentials, Inc.

We Were Sued And Won.

Gavel from a courtroom

A woman came into our showroom to try out our mattresses while she was in the area visiting a family member. She didn’t buy at that time but came into our Roanoke showroom about a week later since she lived in Salem. When she came into the Roanoke showroom she didn’t buy then either but called us back the next day and said she wanted one of our chemical free latex mattresses. We delivered the mattress the next day and the day after we delivered the mattress, she called us and complained that the mattress was making her sick. She said just the smell of the mattress was making her sick and also said she didn’t even sleep in it. Immediately I suspected a lie since she had already been in our showrooms twice and laid on the mattresses and they didn’t make her sick, yet it did make her sick without sleeping on it. In addition, she said she never slept in the mattress which is what people will always say in order to convince us there is no reason for us not to take it back since it is unused. So I told her there is nothing in our mattresses that could make anyone sick but that I certainly don’t want to harm anyone. So I told her if she could get a medical diagnosis showing that the mattress did indeed make her sick, that I would take the mattress back and refund her money.

A couple of days later she came into my Roanoke showroom with a letter from her doctor with her “proof” of the mattress making her sick. I read the letter and it merely said what she told the doctor. It wasn’t a diagnosis, not even a test of some sort, like an allergy test. So I had to tell her that I was sorry, that the letter was not proof of anything. So she then said she would sue me for her money back.

Small suits like this fall under small claims so all you have to do is go before a judge and present your case. So a week or so later I got a summons to appear in court. On the day of the hearing, we were the last ones to go before the judge. She had a stack of papers to make her case and she presented to the judge all kinds of medical bills she claimed were the result of my mattress making her sick, having not even slept in it! The judge asked her what would keep her from bringing more medical bills in the future and claiming that the mattress was the cause? Then she said she had a letter from her doctor that said she was made sick by the mattress. After the judge read the letter, he told her the doctor merely repeated what she told her and that it was no proof the mattress made her sick. When she realized she didn’t have a case, she turned to me, standing at the bench in front of the judge, and began threatening me with writing to every review site and social media site. At that, the judge pointed his finger at her and said, “You will not threaten this man in my courtroom!”

The story doesn’t end here, however. One day I visited my chiropractor and he told me he had a new patient come in and she saw my brochure in their waiting room and she asked him if he knew me. He of course said yes and then she went into a tirade about how my mattress made her sick and that I was a crook, or something to that affect. So I asked my chiropractor if her name was Wanda and he confirmed it. So I told him the story and he realized he was dealing with a loose cannon and told me the next time she came in, which he doubted she would, he was going to tell her he couldn’t treat her. After all, he didn’t need her suing him for something she made up.

About six months later I got a call from my latex supplier who said he got a call from a woman named Wanda who complained that his latex didn’t last, that it had huge body impressions in it and that she bought it from us. Hopefully you get what she is now doing. She originally claimed the mattress made her sick with all kinds of medical bills without even sleeping in the bed, and yet now she is complaining of the body impressions, which means she has been sleeping in it! Crazy liars are everywhere.